Hi is their any one who has been called for an SBI associate
banks interview on 26th-may 2009 at Bangalore.(From
karnataka)...if so then please mail me

Answer Posted / dhnyr

hi deepak,
Dont forget to post ur experience in the interview..

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

i am having sbi interview. what type of preparation should i do?


when will be union bank result annouced?which exam held on 4 april 2010.sir please send it on my id no. that is rinku_del246@rediffmail.com.


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dear orissa circle candidate selected in sbi clerk 2010, did any one has got the offer letter or any info. abt the medical test date.plz pass the news in detail at trinath.net@gmail.com or at 9885560854 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


anyone attended the interview in bangalore at basavangudi? how was the verfication process?what questions they r asking?what certficates we have to take?


Hi i would like to know what are reasons for medically unfit for sbi clerk. iam OH like Paraplegea so I finished my interview But now tension about medical test ple.. anybody clarify my query my id bthimothi@gmail.com


I am working with a co-operative bank as a Trainee Officer and I am on probation. I am selected for SBI interview. Will I need to submit NOC. If I ask for NOC it can be a negative effect towards my existing employer. If I am not selected in SBI there are chances I cann loose my job here also


Hi!All, I have been called for the SBI clerical grade interview. As for the documents I do not have the passing certificate of my Intermediate, and the final degree of Garduation at present, but have got the provisional certificate and the degree respectively, but I've got all the marksheets. Is there any problem if I carry the marksheets only for the interview, can I submit the final certificates later..?? Please help...


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hi, my hobbies are calligraphy and danceing ...so which type of question can be asked frm my hobbies .....plz reply fast bcoz my interview is on 6th may...


Hi Guys , Please tell me which is the good coaching center for bank exams in Ameerpet or hyd ? Please share ur opinion on coaching centers.... Condrats who r selected in SBI exam..


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1. What is technical writing for you? 2. What are the basic elements of technical writing?