Answer Posted / chaudhry
Vbx control provide a simple mehtod of buildig and
enhancing user interfaces.The controls can use to obtain
user inputs and display program outputs.vbx control where
originally develop as extensions for the ms visual
basic environments and include such items as
sliders,grides and knobs.
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i want to print the employee details on department wise with group above report with the fields DEPTNO------group above ENAME ------ SAL-------- COMM------ I WANT OUTPUT LIKE THIS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1)FIRST DEPTNO=10 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN FIRST PAGE AND DEPTNO=20 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN 2ND PAGE WHAT I HAVE TO DO OUTPUT ------- --FIRST_PAGE ----------- DEPTNO:10 ENAME SAL COMM KING 5000 A 2000 2222 ---- =- -- SECONDPAGE DEPTNO:20 ENAME SAL COMM MILLER 220 22 D 45 23 -- - - LIKE THE ABOVE PROCDURE REPORTS HOW MANY DEPARTMENTS ARE EXISITING IN EMP TABLE
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