i got job selection order from decon engg
hrd,tamilnadu,india.they are also demanding me 2000 rs. &
saying that after 3 day they will give me a joinig letter,
there web site is www.deconengg.net & postal address is
decon engg(govt. hrd)no-236 coimbatore -641044.I submitted
my resume to them and after that they didnt conduct any
interview... can i believe this or its just a fake..

Answer Posted / rahul

They pay Us not the other way round....

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What is difference between cmmi and cmm levels?


10 scenarios for security testing using gmail applications?


Tell me the advantage and disadvantage of cookies?


Katari your questions was really helpful could you please send the questions and answers with them . Can anyone sends the top 30-40 question and answers for the interview purposes


How could you present test strategy for the product testing?


Tell me example for Risk,Mitigation,Assumption?


If client give you a project then which testing you will perform first


What is bug leakage?


Hi Friends, Just One Month Back I was Join in Small Company as a Testing Eng.I have Six Month Exp. In this Company all my team memb.r fresher & PM give responsibility on us to prepare all require QC doc. for our new project.So I need ur help in this matter .How Can I start my work and Which Doc.I start to collect & From Where I get Detail Information all abt these thing. Thanks to all friends who give reply to this. Suyog


What are cookies?


How to explain the Insurance project in the interview?


can anyone help me in getting unix on manual testing i.e can u forward material & web sites to my mail id (suresh_57599@yahoo.com) to understand how the work flow working on manual testing on unix and the contents.plzzzzzzzz help me its urgent.


Write a set of test cases to test youtube?


What will be your approach if a particular script in Load Test fails?


Hi I want to start online training couses for testing Any body plz help me out how to start the online courses Plz post the answer here or send me a mail for kommineni.1020@gmail.com