hi i m called for interview on 29 may 2009..
i wanted to know what is the weightage of interview..
how r candidates selected ie. only in basis of interview or
both written and interview marks..
also what is the selection ratio from among all the
students called for interview..
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hi frns, my ques are 1) what is master budget? 2) what is capitalization?
what are the commercial roles of the banks
whether NOC is required for private sector employee?
Hi friends my name is Buna, got selected in SBI clerk exam 09. I am a B.E.computer sci 2008 grad.I dont have any work exp till now. What if they ask me. What shud i answr. Kindly give ur feedback and also let me know clerical interview qques on my mail id "bhuna.kumar@yahoo.co.in". respond sooner thanks a ton
explain you would be an asset for this organisation?
hii i selected for karnataka bank clerks.my interview is 1st june 2011. im frm andhra pradesh.can i get job placement to andhra after finishing the interview.any 1 selected frm andhra plz msg me on 7207655202
does any bodyyyy know the actual date ,,when the sbi clerical result will be declared???????/
hey guys i attended my interview on 29th April in a delhi zone.They were asking so simple question that i was surprised. I preapred day and night for the interview collecting all the question from this link and other site as well as from GS book but they simply asked 1) tell us about ur family 2) about u 3) Why u want to join banking and not IT . 4) Advantages and disadvantages of computer. 5) Where is hawamahal. 6) about pink city 7) who discovered electron. 8) who invented telephone. that's all I think it was just waste of time preparing banking related questions.
Hi dis is sriguru n i had cleared obc clerical 2010 .wt should i wan 2 prepare for interview? wt r the definations of repo,reverse repo, crr,slr,monetary policy n other banking terms
what all marketing questions may be asked in sbi interview.. thanks in advance
i am msc(cs) graduate. in +2 chose commerce.need to tell abt that? what type of questions i expect in computer science and in commerce?
Hi all, While I'm applying for the written exam wrongly I gave as general and later I came to know bef the interview tht I'm BC:(..I got proper singatures at the back of the call letter..but while interviewing me they dint consder tht.Will it be a negative for me during the selection and under which category i'll be considered Can any one guide me regarding this.
yaarr..if anyone hv sum clue abt d date of SBI CLERICAL INTERVIEW declaration
i am in waitlisted list which is released by karnataka bank.Can any one tell what it sense.whether it is confirm job r optional.plz forward if any one know abt this