I need a brief decsrpition on How to test borwser
compatabilty and O.S compatibity?
Wat are the techniques to test?


Answer Posted / sunil kumar sahoo

Browser compatible means u have to test in all the Browser
like IE,Mozilla,Opera,Safari etc with their various
version,from my 3 years experience i have faced a lot of
problem for this browser version,some times the java script
doesn't supported by few browser but in some browser it well

now come to OS compatible ie ur different operating system
like Ms 2000,XP,Linux,Unix etc.

no such techniques are there to test, only you have to test
the project in different browser as well as OS and marked
the look and feel (Allignment of image,frame,table) and
functionality (Javascript for validation).

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hi everybody, iam Adi Durga, i complited my bsc(computers) in 2008.I have experience in finacial and bpo companys(mnc). but iam intersted on s/w role.I have the technical skills c, c++, Oracle 9i and manual testing. But i dont know hoe to strat my career in s/w. Every company offering on financial/bpo side. In this I attended nearly 10 companies,I selected in 8. All those are bpo and finacial, But i cant get any opportunities on s/w side.plz help how to get opportunites on s/w side. Actually I am interested on testing side. But every company offering for only experienced persons. plz help me. this is my mailid.... adi.durga19@gmail.com


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