what is swith,hub and router?

Answer Posted / darshan wagh

Hubs work at the Physical layer. A hub is a totally dumb
device. If it gets a data signal, it just forwards thesignal
to all devices. It cannot do any kind of filtering or
addressing. Performance is not so good because ahub can't
establish a direct connection from one computer to another.

If a switch gets a data packet, it will try and find the
destination device, and then send it to that device
only,i.e. it establishes a point-to-point connection between
the sending and receiving devices. But the devicesmust be on
the same subnet. A switch won’t send data packet to
computers on different subnets. A switchbreaks up collision
domains but it does not break up broadcast domains unless we
use VLANs.

Routers work at the Network layer and operate on the IP
Address. Router only gets a data packet if the
destination computer isn’t on the same subnet or LAN. The
router then finds the location of the destination
device and then sends it in the right direction. A router
breaks up broadcast domains.

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