libname deepak 'C:\SAS Files';
proc format;
invalue convert 'A+' = 100
'A' = 96
'A-' = 92
'B+' = 88
'B' = 84
'B-' = 80
'C+' = 76
'C' = 72
'F' = 65;
data deepak.grades;
input ID $3. Grade convert.;
*format Grade convert. ;
001 A-
002 B+
003 F
004 C+
005 A
proc print data = deepak.grades;
I get the following output
Obs ID Grade
1 001 .
2 002 .
3 003 .
4 004 .
5 005 .
I don’t understand why Grade shows up as a missing value.
Everything seems fine, including ID $3.
Now, in case I use ID : $3. Or use column input, I get the
desired output.
Kindly help
Answer Posted / kondal
i hope this code will work.
data grades;
input ID $3. Grade : convert.;
001 A-
002 B+
003 F
004 C+
005 A
proc print data =grades;
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