when will be result of iob clerical recruitment held on feb
1st 2009 will be published?
Answer Posted / ashok
yes i too waiting for result
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hi what is the starting & closing dates of sbh clerk interview for OBC CATEGORY candidates? at hyderabad andhrapradesh. WHAT IS THE LAST DATE OF CLOSING INTERVIEWS ALL OVER INDIA.
4 months gone sbi not declaring the results even though they gonna increase the vacancies still some information regarding results should be posted on their site what the hell is this largest public sector bank doing????????
Hi! i am selected 4 the interview after passing the written exam.I am pursuing a BCA degree course and have only one semester left.What should I do?Should i join the job?And please tell what will be the salary for intermediates?
interview question about bank.
what are the commercial roles of the banks
Hi friends i am M.Ponraj, i have been selected for the post of Sorting Assistant in RMS'T'Division(Tiruchirapalli), Department of Posts, India on December 29th 2009. In trichy division 23 candidates were selected and 10 of them were given induction training and they are to be posted in trichy division. I am waiting for the induction training. In the mean time i got selected in the SBI-Clerk written exam and attended the interview for it in Chennai on 26th April 2010. Any one selected as Sorting Assistant in RMS attended SBI-Clerk interview on april or may 2010. If so Please mail me to mponrajbe@gmail.com Thanks, M.Ponraj +91-9655975726 20May2010
hello frnds i m ravi in sbi interview @ nagpur 7th may there r 3 members in a pannel question like 1.u r belongs to technical background then why banking sector?? 2.if market will open then u left the bank ?? 3.what is Electronics 4.what is mean by instrumentation 5.do u read newspaper,?which ? 6.it is publish from how many cities of maharstra 7.u r from mp then why u choose maharastra? 8.hobbies(listening radio) 9.which is ur fav.radio channel.?its frequency 10.radio frequency range(because of electronics background) 11.marathi ,read write speak etc its little bit easy be prepared well all the best
I have not been selected in sbi clerical 2010 final list due to 2 marks. is there any chance of second list for us because huge candidates have not joined due to long delay?
Sbi Clerk interview 2010 28th april ,panel three, Hi I am dhanya from kerala PG in Microbiology, i had my interview yesterday: The panel Was friendly, Questions asked where. 1,historic importance of my district 2.what is my idea about banking 3.what do i know about sbi 2nd member 1.about my subject what is microbiology 2.difference b/w virus and bactereria 3. iwas working as teacher,so he asked why do i consider to opt for banking than teaching? 4.Hobby related: i had mentioned gardenoing of vegetables in my hobbies ,he mentioned it and then he asked the relevence of a particular town in my locality. see ing the link was eith my hobby itried a guess answer but that was right(FRIENDS SO JUST KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR THE CLUES ,SOMETIMES THIS MAY HELP YOU IN ANSWERING SOME QUESTIONS otherwise do not go for guess work) 3rd member :(lady) 1.the mythology behind my the name of home town 2.The bacteria which was used to clear oil spills 3.the Pz of bangladesh(READ THAT DAYS' NEWSPAPERA THIS MAY COME IN HANDY) 4.tHE LARGEST RESERVE OF THORIUM( FOR THESE TWO I COULDN'T ANSWER , SO I SAID SORRY MAM , ICANT RECOLLECT IT AT THE MOMENT) 5.RECENTLY SOME ORGANISM WAS INTORDUCED TO COMBACT THE ATTACK OF BEETLE WHAT WAS IT S NAME (FOR THESE TWO I COULDN'T ANSWER , SO I SAID SORRY MAM , ICANT RECOLLECT IT AT THE MOMENT)
what do you mean by bank policies?
I have finally been selected for Punjab National Bank Clerical Grade for Delhi State and want to know from where I should get medical done (any qualified MBBS will do or it should be from govt. hospital)
Can anyone say me how to prepare for IOB clerical personal interview.. I hv cleared written test nd called for the next roundd.. can u help me by sayin what all i need to concentrate & prepare?
Hai friends, I am an exserviceman. What are certificates are required to carry to Interview Board on the day of SBI clerical Interview? Please let me know anybody.
how many associates bank of sbi and subsidiaries bank of sbi? what are those ?this is important for interview......they ask me this question
Has anyone been selected as corporation bank clerk . test was held on 29/11/09. have u received offer of appointment .