What is datatable?

Answer Posted / badmoon

The DataTable is an in-memory representation of a block of
data. We can create our own tables in code using a DataSet
and the types defined in the System.Data.OleDb or
System.Data.SqlClient namespaces. The following are the
core properties that are used while creating a DataTable.

CaseSensitive: Indicates whether string comparisons in
the table are case-sensitive or not.

ChildRelations: Returns the collection of child relations
of the DataTable (if any).

Columns: Returns the collection of columns that belong to
this table.

Constraints: Gets the constraints maintained by this table.

DataSet: Gets the dataset that contains this table.

DefaultView: Gets a customized view of the table that may
include a filtered view or a cursor position.

MinimumCapacity: Gets/Sets the initial number of rows in
the table.

ParentRelations: Gets the collection of parent relations
for this table.

PrimaryKey: Gets/Sets a primary key for the table.

Rows: Returns the collection of rows that belong to this

TableName: Gets/Sets the name of the table.

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