Answer Posted / praveen reddy

hiiii i too got the same score but i have nly 3 back
locks.. so what shoud i do now. still i dint apply for any
universities.. am desiding wat to do.. so shall i apply for
univesities. 810 ma gre score an 45 ma toefl score.an 3
back locks. now am doing my final year 2semister so plz
kindly help me!!!!!!!
wat shud i do now.

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My sister is sponsoring my studies in finance in USA university what should I say If I was asked you will not come back after education.


Hi,This is Kishore I completed My B.Tech & Want to Go USA to do my MBA.I am Not Attempt GMAT I write Only GRE and ILETS. When visa interviewer asks why you are not attempt GMAT?I Said But HE Reject My Visa?Please help me how to answer this Questoion?Better way


Hello, i am Suraj. I got rejected on my ineterview on december 8th and have again taken the date for 17th.During my interview a guy quarreled with the interview taking person and then the same girl took my interview. My all documents are upto date bank balance is enough,self property is good,watevr she asked i told her fluently but also she rejected telling me that ma income source is not enough. I dont understand why i got rejected. The friends who had taken the interveiw along with me got selected though their family background is more poor than mine. i am afraid i will get rejected again. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhi friends ,i m rejected twice .reason for 2nd time i hae taken emergency date 2nd time. so is there any rule we have to not take emergengy once we had taken . and now i have to stand but vo told if u stand bfore 6 mont i will permanently reject u .


i am planning to have 12 month OPT period after i graduate so when the consul asks me how long do u plan to stay in USA do i say i will stay xyzmonth(program duration)+12month(opt)? or in another word do i have to take a visa period that covers both the program and the opt or i can take a visa period for the program and then extend the visa for OPT? just to make it simpler: if my program length is 2 years do i have to tell the consul to give me a 3 years visa to cover the program and the opt or i can have only 2 years visa and then extend it in USA? And does saying that i want to have OPT to the consul can be a bad point as the consul may think that i will work in USA and never come back?or i should be fine?


I got admission in wichita state university.My B.Tech percentage is 60.27 backlogs 7(have backlog in every sem) and my gre is 1000 and toefl 87.I am worried with two questions why 7 backlogs? and why your toefl and gre scores are low? please suggest answers to the above two questions...


hi I'm Sindhu. Recently I got married n My husband is working in USA ( H1b). I completed my engg in 2005 and was working in a software comp for the past 3yrs. Now I want to continue my further studies. Instead of attending H4 now and converting my visa to F1 there..I want to directly attend my F1. So what are the main queries I'm going to face @ consulate


hi friends, im applying for US 2 times is rejected and i have a doubt. Can my maternal uncle support for me?


i am living in Ethiopia and i am accepted for English proficiency course with five month of duration will the duration will has a negative impact on my visa approval?


Hi this is Aman Jhawar Frm hyd...can i knw how much percent is required in 12th for doing mba in usa..and also the toefl gre scores...


Hi i went for interview 3 times got rejected my gre 280 ielts 5.5 dont no what is the problem with me for the 3rd time i went with confidence but they asked only 2 ques and gave the 214b so please any one guide me how to clear for next time thank you


Why you choosed Business administration when you have completed high school in science?


hi, i am permananent resident of usa i want to sponser my wife when i get my citizenship which is late 2011(apon advice of lawyer friend) my wife is coming to usa for education(f-1) only thing left in her student visa is her interview all her documents are complete she is coming for 4 year education program. only thing I am worried about is can they deny her visa based on that me(her husband) is in usa. I do know while she is studying in usa and i become citizen and sponser her she does not have to go back to her country even after her visa is expired. if they bring this point up in interview what could they ask and what should be best reply thank you very much


Hi all, please help me, I from Russia, i can speak in english but litle, after two weeks i must meet with USA posol, what questions he will may ask, and how answer, please help.


ihave rejected visa twice and now ihad appiled third time wat the convicing answer ishould give? tanx in advance.