i got job selection order from decon engg
hrd,tamilnadu,india.they are also demanding me 2000 rs. &
saying that after 3 day they will give me a joinig letter,
there web site is www.deconengg.net & postal address is
decon engg(govt. hrd)no-236 coimbatore -641044.I submitted
my resume to them and after that they didnt conduct any
interview... can i believe this or its just a fake..

Answer Posted / mvlkr

this is the mail got by me to, but by the usage of this site
iam happy to say that i was not one of the candidates to
make as themselves a frod . please dont think about it and
iam eagerly to say refer local employment news paper for the
from library in INDIA for a govt job and for PRIVATE JOBS
heeyyyyyyyyyy iam not supported sup

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Hi,friends i am going to write ICST certificate exam on augest.So can anybody post some of sample qusetions for ICST certificate exam.Really it will be useful for me


iam having 2+yr sof exp in manual testing, at present working in chennai,want to relocte to hyd .if any openings let me know.my id : vaniramymail.com


what types of testing have u done in ur project?and expalin it detail?


Can anyone please answer the below question on Manual Testing: Tell me about atleast 5 bugs you come across in your last testing?


What is function points??????


what is the general pattern of explanation of projects in interview, can u ans me plz.......... ex: online banking application


What is the difference between coupling and cohesion?


Our software designers use UML for modeling applications. Based on their use cases, we would like to plan a test strategy. Do you agree with this approach or would this mean more effort for the testers.


Do you use any automation tool for smoke testing?


Explain severity with example and expalin each example?


Can anybody give whole test cases for banking module.it should include from start to end .that will help me more.to do study.it should contain account,deposite,withdraw,fd,atm modules.?please try to give me??


As you are working with cmmi level 5 company ,can you tell me what processes you r following as QA engineer?


What is performance tuning? What are tools of performance testing?


What are the various techniques in white box testing?


explain ur testing project? how can u nexplain . what should we explain ? i have not worked on any project?