what is somaclonal variation in tissue culture?

Answer Posted / jyothi, v. l.

Clones by name are the exact replicas of the genotype which
is being multiplied by any means including tissue culture.
In the process of micropropagation we expect all progenies -
ramets - to be genetically identical to the plant from
which the tissue was extracted -ortets. However, in
practice there will be some variation among the ramets
produced. These variations can be due to point mutations,
chromosomal rearrangements or chromosomal abnormalities
which arise due to the accilarated rate of cell division.
These variations which arise in the course of culturing the
somatic tissues are termed somaclonal varients and such a
variation from the normally expected uniformity is called
somaclonal variation.
This type of variation is usually induced by the use of
mutants or other ingredients which can induce variability
like the highly potent auxins 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T or pontent
mutant like EMS. These somaclones produced so will exhibit
charactors hitherto unknown in nature and hence tehy play a
very vital role in finding new variability and hence new
genes of specific interest to the breeders for crop
improvement programmes.

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