what will happen if we disable cookies in the web page?
Answer Posted / deviprasad tummidi
A cookie is, at heart, a small piece of text--a name and
value pair--that the server side generates and sends to the
client. The browser remembers them (nontransient cookies
are stored to your hard disk; Netscape creates a file
called cookies or cookies.txt, for example). The browser
then sends them back to the server on any subsequent visit
to a page from the same site. The Cookie class is part of
the javax.servlet.http package, so any servlet
implementation will include it. The constructor is passed a
name and value, but there are other parameters you can set.
Most important is the expiry time, which is in seconds from
the time you first send it. The default is -1; if the value
is negative, the cookie is not saved to disk; it becomes
a "transient cookie" that exists only until the browser
exits and is then forgotten.
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