Hi all,

On recording a particular Web application with QTP,Have
came across a problem for which I havent found a solution
so far..

The script of importance is as follows:

Browser("Personalized Start Page").Page("XYZ").Frame
Browser("Personalized Start Page").Page("XYZ").Sync
Dialog("0% of dms.php from XYZ-").Dialog("File

My problem is that on recording the application with QTP
and clicking the "address.csv" link another browser window
comes up temporarily followed by the Windows "FileSave"
dialog.The browser window which came up closes down when
the Windows "FileSave" dialog is visible and I save the
file to a windows location.

On the "Record and Run" settings under Qtp,have activated
settings for web and windows applications.

But when I run this recorded script,and after
the "address.csv" click,The browser window comes up and
goes down,No Windows "FileSave" dialog comes up and the QTP
shows the error Dialog("0% of dms.php from XYZ-") object is
not found,though this object is there in the repository.

Have tried putting the Dialog("0% of dms.php from XYZ-
").Exist property.But the "Exist" property is not
recognised by the dialog at all.

Any help in this direction is appreciated..

Thanks in advance

Answer Posted / jennifer_2008

Hi all,
Eventually the dialog was visible when I added additional
properties to the dialog like title,Name etc...

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