What are the Climax forest ?

Answer Posted / guest

As humus accumulates, bacteria and other micro-organisms
begin to thrive in the soil making it richer. Other trees
now make their appearance. These react upon the soil. Under
their canopy the air is humid but their shade will make
conditions unfavorable for the sealing of the pioneer sun
loving trees. After a few generations the pioneers will be
replaced by the trees of the most tolerant.

Thus, the area once under deep H2O becomes finally
transformed into a forest. The whole process of development
may be studied abut lake margins where each stage may be
seen as a definite zone. It should be remembered that the
nature of the climax community wi8ll depend upon the
climate. A forest community will develop only if the climate
is moist. In dry climates, the climax community may be grass
land or some other xeric community.

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