I have a table EMP in which the values will be like this
EmpId Ename Sal DeptId
11 Ram 10000 10
11 Ram 10000 10
22 Raj 20000 20
22 Raj 20000 20
33 Anil 15000 30
33 Anil 15000 30
I want to delete only duplicate Rows. After Delete I want
the output like this
EmpId Ename Sal DeptId
11 Ram 10000 10
22 Raj 20000 20
33 Anil 15000 30
Answer Posted / siddharth
DECLARE @int as int
DECLARE @cnt as int
WHILE EXISTS (SELECt top 1 EmpId from Emp group by EmpId having count(EmpId)>1 order by EmpId)
SELECT top 1 @int=EmpId,@cnt=Count(EmpId) from Emp group by EmpId having count(EmpId)>1 order by EmpId
Delete top (@cnt-1) from Emp where EmpId = @int
Select EmpId,Ename,Sal,DeptId from Emp order by EmId
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