Is it possible to block a material to be deliver from an
specific plant without block the creation of sales orders?
So in summary the material has to be blocked just for a
specific plant in the moment of delivery. One sales order
with different plants per line could be shipping except the
lines that contain this plantX
Answer Posted / ddgg
Hi Eldi,
Did you have a chance to review the configuration or
combination that I should use to block the deliveries using
the "Plant-sp.matl status" indicator? I used the
Inventory Management option with B status (TC:OSM4), which
I found block all the Good Receipts and Transfer Movements
for this special material /plant but still allow me process
the deliveries from the SO. Please let me know..
Another question regarding to the second option to move all
the stocks in the plant from unrestricted to blocked using a
MB11 transfer posting. Do you have to do that manually
every time a product need to be block right? The point is
that the business require change this is a short period of
time and I don't know how practical it would be.
Really appreciatte your help,
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Material Determination Issue while posting billing document. I am taking about the standard process of SAP. Just try entry with Outcome as A while defining substitute reason and then process the order. It will show both the old and new material with item category as TAX and TAPS respectively. TAX for non- stock item- means as of now the material is not available. TAPS- the new material which has replaced the old material. Now, if you will see the configuration of item category TAX and TAPS in IDES, it would be more clearer as I mentioned in the first update. The only issue is - I am facing a problem in billing. Now if you re-consider my post, I guess it would be more clearer. However, the issue is that in billing its not showing the right price. Please suggest. Configuration - Item category- TAX- Old material. Billing relevance- A Stats- X Pricing- NO Item Category- TAPS- New materail Billing Relevance- A Stats- NO Pricing- Yes Because I want both the material in billing, so billing relevance is A. And I want the price of new material so for TAPS pricing - Yes. But every time I am trying system is taking the price of TAX. Not sure why? If I make it as vice- verse, thinking lets take the price of new material, now the system is taking the price of old .
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