Hello everyone,
I am trying to parametrize a script. Its clear to me that,
we use data table to enter various text data. but if I want
to change the radiobutton (e.g. if for first iteration I
selected radio button 'A' and for second iteration I want to
use 'B' radio button for second iteration) then how can I
make it happen.
I have tried to define the question but still if not clear
plz tell me. Thanks everyone
Answer Posted / amarendra kothuru
In the datatable, add a cloumn for the radio button field
e.g. column name is "FieldName1"
retreive the data from datatable
dtFieldName1 = DataTable("FieldName1",dtLocalSheet)
'For Web based
'For Windows
If dtFieldName1 = "A" Then
ElseIf dtFieldName1 = "B" Then
ElseIf dtFieldName1 = "C" Then
End If
This way you can parameterize the data for RadioButton.
If it is not clear, contact me at amar.kothuru@yahoo.com
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