Explain the enzymes ?

Answer Posted / guest

The living plant is made up of a great variety of organic
molecules. These are present in protoplasm and are
aggregated in organnels like mitochondria, ribosome and
chloroplasts. In chemical reaction more complex and longer
molecules are built up from simpler and smaller molecules.
In some reaction s the complex molecules are broken down to
smaller and simpler ones. Some reactions are accompanied by
release of energy and are called exergonics some reactions
consume energy and are known as endergonic. The chemical
reactions which are going on in the living organism
described as metabolism. The rapidity of metabolic reaction
are due to certain organic substances which are present in
protoplasm. These speed up or catalyze the metabolic
reactions without being consumed in the process. These are
known as Enzymes.
Proportions of Enzymes :-
(1) Catalytic properties. Like catalysts these
influence the speed of chemical reaction without changing
(2) Specificity of Enzyme action. Enzyme are specific
for particular chemical reaction.
(3)Reversono out pf Action. The majority of
reactions catalysed by enzyme are reversible and the enzymes
can catalyse these reactions in both directions, e.g. Lipase
which causes hydrolyses of fats can also bring about the
synthesis of fats from glycerol and fatty ants.
(4) Sensitivity of Enzymes. These enzymes are
sensitive to heat, acid alkalies and certain salts. e.g.
distance acts best in neutral medium, sucrose in neutral or
slightly acidic media.

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