Explain other Devices of Defence ?

Answer Posted / guest

Some plants secreate poisonous and irritating substances
such plants are carefully avoided by animals which possess
the power of distinguishing between poisonous and non-poisonous

(1) Latex:- It is the milky juice secreted by some of the
plants. It contains waste products which causes inflammation
and even cleander is gifted with this milky juice
(2) Alkaloides:- These are very poisonous and every very
strong to kill animal. Nicotine in tobacco, quinine in
Cinchona etc.. are very poisonous.
(3) Irritating Substances :- Many aroids possess needle like
or pointed crystals of calcium oxlate. These crystals. When
such plant are fed upon prick the tongue and the throat and
cause irritation. These plants are never attacked by grazing
(4) Bitter taste and Repulsive smell:- These are also
effective in defencing the plant against grazing animals.
Gynandropsi- emit a strong disagreeable Andrographis have a
bitter taste and therefore, animals avoid them
(5) Wasts Products:- Some plants contain waste matter as
resin. Essential oils etc.. Which keep the animals away from
(6) Mimicry:- Some plants imitate the general appearance,
colour, shape of another plant or animal, and this in this
way protects themselves against grazing animals. This act of
imitating the appearance, colour or any particular feature
of another plant or animal is called Mimicry.

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