how to change mac address of a system ?

Answer Posted / shivananda

We can't change the MAC address of system. It's uniq. It's
created by manifacturer by the time of Manifacturing.

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Hi I have 10+ years of telecom application development experience ( telecom billing product -call control (ISUP/INAP/CAMEL call handling), short message routing application, telecom tools development). I am very strong in C++/Unix , core java and advanced oops design. Recently I have undergone a training in 3G mobile protocol developement. I have very good knowledge about WCDMA, its various layers and gone through 3GPP technical specs. Now I am looking for 3G mobile development opportunities. I am finding very difficult to get it, as I don't have the relevant experiences on 3G development. Please advice me on this to enter into mobile protocol development.