ORA-00230: operation disallowed: snapshot controlfile
enqueue unavailable

Answer Posted / gaurav ojha

When Recovery Manager (RMAN) needs to back up or
resynchronize from the control file, it first creates a
snapshot or consistent image of the control file. If one
RMAN job is already backing up the control file, while
another needs to create a new snapshot control file, then
the following message may show up:

RMAN-08512: waiting for snapshot controlfile enqueue

To determine which job is holding the conflicting enqueue,
do the following:
After the first RMAN-08512 message appears, start a new
SQL*Plus session on the target database as shown:

% sqlplus sys/sys_pwd@prod1

Execute the following query to determine which job is
causing the wait:

SELECT s.sid, username AS "User", program, module, action,
logon_time "Logon", l.*
FROM v$session s, v$enqueue_lock l
WHERE l.sid = s.sid and l.type = 'CF' AND l.id1 = 0 and
l.id2 = 2;

The output shown should be similar to the following (the
output in this example has been truncated):

SID User Program Module Action Logon
--- ---- -------------------- -------------------------
---------------- ---------
9 SYS rman@h13 (TNS V1-V3) backup full datafile: c1 0000210


After determining which job is creating the enqueue, do one
of the following:

1. Wait until the job creating the enqueue completes


2. Cancel the current job and restart it once the job
creating the enqueue completes

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