How do u write regular expression for a window name which
is changing for each build ? i.e. in first build the window
name is : "computer graphics are very ...." . in second
build the window name is : "computer graphics can be
created" . - Appreciate proper replies

Answer Posted / sandipgami84

computer graphics.*

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Explain features of the latest version of qtp/ uft 12.1?


What is the difference between per-action and shared?


I would like to directly import XL file and work on that XL file directly in QTp script in that XL sheet need to allocate workbench,XL sheet and generate two bar graphs automatically how to do that? plz let me know any answers?


how can i pass a "automation script" as a parameter in a function give me need full suggestion thank inadvance


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can any body tell me how i create a simple script and apply output value on it .pls send me a step by step process


Explain the features and benefits of quick test pro(qtp)?


Hi, While recording a Jave based web application, its recording all my actions and the objects.And I have 5 WebEdit objects on the page and all are recorded. But while execution, at the 2 WebEdit object, its entering the value into the object (Its making a call to the AJAX, matching the value), when the control get out of this object the value is erased or cleared. Could anyone please help. I have recoreded 5 more scenarios where WebEdit is in the picture on different webpages and all are working fine. Here is my Script: Browser("Sign In").Page("Matching Workbench_3").WebEdit ("locationLookup").Set "0320 - SEATTLE-KM" Browser("Sign In").Page("Matching Workbench_3").WebEdit ("supplierNameLookup").Set "TRAMMO PETROLEUM INC" *** SupplierNameLookup is the object, which is haing an issue. And also I was using the SendString function, but it didnt work.


Name the different types of recording modes?


how we implement share object repository in QTP 9.0 without using quality Centre , Explaine in brief


Qtp has been installed on my pc but recently ON opening it is giving this error PLEASE REPLY IT IS URGENT IT WAS WORKKING FINE QTPRO.EX THE instruction at "0x7.. ...". referenced memory at "0000....The memory could not be read... Awaiting QTP XPERTS REPly URGENT


we add library file used in test via settings or through "ExecuteFile" command. when we implement framework do we make common library file and load the same for all the test cases execution?


how to compare two bitmaps( 1. clients requirement & 2. Designed by dev) in qtp 8.2 wann clear steps


What is the Difference between copy to action and call to action?