can anyone explain about stored procedure,Triggers and
transaction in php?

Answer Posted / jit

A stored procedure is simply a procedure that is stored on
the database server. MySQL developers have to date
unthinkingly written and stored their procedures on the
application (or web) server, mainly because there hasn't
been an option. That has been limiting. Some have claimed
that there are two schools of thought - one claiming that
logic should be in the application, the other saying it
should reside in the database. However, most professionals
would not bind themselves to one or other viewpoint at all
times. As always, there are times when doing either makes
sense. Unfortunately, some of the staunchest adherents of
the in the application school are only there because until
now they have had no choice, and it is what they are used to

Triggers are programmable events that react to queries and
reside directly on the database server. Triggers can be
executed before or after INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE
statements.There are several reasons to use triggers.
Triggers can automate a lot of stuff that you may have been
doing by hand before. The main reason I use triggers is to
maintain the integrity of one table that might rely on
another table. For example, if TableA references TableB and
a value from TableB gets deleted, you could have a trigger
setup to handle the data in TableA. Perhaps the data in
TableA should be reset to a generic value or maybe the data
should just be deleted completely.

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