When will the final result of SSC Combined graduate level
main exam 2006 publish?
What is the cut off mark for the General category in the
Combined graduate level main exam 2005?

Answer Posted / m s prabhat

Dear all,
There is no fixed calender of ssc and hence saying that it
has delayed the results is not practically right. SSC never
did say that it would publish results within 6 or 7 or 8
months of interview. So it is absolutely vested power of
ssc to declare results as per its administrative
convenience. Dont hope that people there will work on
saturday or sunday to get your results published. They will
get their salaries even if they publish the results after a
year. But it would be better if you raise this issue before
Department of Personnel & Training rather than before SSC.
In RTI also no proper reply will be given since they have
no time-bar. If you wish, you may go to the courts to fix
the time-limit for declaration of the results. And I am
sure that the courts will decide in favour of SSC because
no compulsion can be laid on such administrative issues. So
Many of you may be disagree and in a raise of anger with me
on such remarks. But it is a bitter truth and we all should
accept it.
You may contact me at prabhat.saher@gmail.com or 9868717406.
Wish you all best of luck in your exams.
Thanks and regards.

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