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Answer Posted / jayasri
please forward to my mail jayasri_402@yahoo.co.in
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What are the characteristics of scr?
Explain the approximate cost of the following corrosion monitoring systems. Smart pebbles eci-1(embedded corrosion instrument) monitoring cables time domain reflectometry &corrosion penetration monitoring system(cpmp)?
SIR I faced two exams for the junoior Engg. but i do not passed them so sir i requested sir u send me question papers for technicallly for elect& comm engg.
What electronics are involved to build a device like a guitar tuner where you press a button to get a specific tone?
compare the delay in sending x-bit msg over k-hop path in ckt switched nw nin lightil loaded packet swithed nw. the ckt setup time is s per hop,the packet size is p bits n data rate is' b' bps under what condition does packet nw have lower delay?
wath is this mining of hlr
What is a weighted code?
Discuss the role of electronics in the medical world.
Explain what is an inverting amplifier?
Explain why normally control terminal of 555 timer is connected to ground through a 0.01µf bypass capacitor?
Is the data bus is Bi-directional?
What is multiplexing? Explain its primary advantage.
Why are the coupling capacitors required?
How to make a robo car .Please give me whole theory ,photos of circuits etc. on my e-mail id.
Explain the bit format of flag register in 8086.