in sdlc process what is the rool of PM,TL,DEVELOPER,tester
in each and every phase? pelese explain me in detail?

Answer Posted / susmitha

in the sdlc we have these phases
1. initial phase
2.analysis phase
3.designing phase
4.coding phase
5.testing and maintainance

in the initial phase project manager can prepare a
document for the requirements, team leader will prepare a
team which is having test engineers, developer will
provided by the project manager, testee will prepare test
cases for that particular project

analysis phase all the members have a meeting to
finalise the technology to develop that project, the
employee, time ,...

in the designing phase the project manager like senior
level management will give the directions and source code
to the team members to develop the actual code, that is
guidelines will be given in this phase

in the coding phase developer will develop the actual
code using the source code and they release the application
to the testee

in the testing phase they deploy their test cases to that
application and prepare a bug profile document if there is
any defect/bug in that application and send it back to
developer, developer may rectify and releases tha
application as nezt build and if the bug not undestand it
will send to the prject lead

in the delivery phase the sr test eng can deploy the
application in the client environment

maintainance phase if the client get any prblem with the
application it may solved by the prject lead withe help of
testers and developers

this is the story

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