
I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers -
Performance Center. Hope you could help me.

Q : My application is intended to undergo soon the load
testing with performance center. The Vusers we planned are
100. But the dev team says that we should use 100 different
UserID/Password's & each Virtual user should login into a
different account while testing.

Firstly, is this required ? my application can handle
multiple logins for the same userid/password, hence is it
mandatory to use 100 different account when we can do the
same test with one account. If so, for 1000 Vusers we
cannot use 1000 logins right ? I need substantial info to
prove my point.

Secondly, is this possible to assign a different userid/pwd
to each Virtual user ?

Thanks in advance & awating your reply

Answer Posted / ramesh

its is better to parameterize all the 100 userids and
passwords before starting the load test because these ids
will be used for functional purpose and you can access
multiple account in your application by using all the ids.
But at the same time during load testing we can use all the
1000 vuser to access 100 login ids. I think there wont be a
So after parametrization of 100 userids give run logic as
100 in runtime setting . so that all the userid can be
accessed one by one with all the vuser throughout the load.

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