Actually we had Posted P.V.C bills to Indian Railway the
total bills amount is Rs.10,00,000/-, and government had
passed only Rs. 8,00,000/- and gov. had said that there are
no more P.V.c bills are lying outstanding in their a/c, so
for now are claiming Rs. 2,00,000/- as loss on sale, i m
totally confused what would be the impact on the Profit and
loss a/c , and in which group it will come,if I do a entry of:-

dr. Central sale @12.5% a/c Rs.2,00,00/-
Cr. Loss on sale a/c Rs.2,00,000/-

Will i adjust the Cst@12.5% on Pricipal Value, or will i
pass on the entry on total amount i.e Rs.2,00,00/-
Plz guide,me soon.

Answer Posted / asaithambi

This entry is wrong. make a credit note and Do as same

dr. Sales A/c Rs.1,77,777.77
dr. cst 12.5% Rs. 22,222.23

Cr. Indian Railway Rs.2,00,000/-

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