What are Binay tress and B trees? Diff between them?

Answer Posted / nutan

A B-tree is a method of placing and locating files (called
records or keys) in a database when all the data is known
to be on DISK.
A Binary-tree is a method of placing and locating files
(called records or keys) in a database when all the data is
known to be in RAM.

It takes thousands of times longer to access a data element
from hard disk as compared with accessing it from RAM,
because a disk drive has mechanical parts, which read and
write data far more slowly than purely electronic media.

B-trees save time by using nodes with many branches (called
children), compared with binary trees, in which each node
has only two children. When there are many children per
node, a record can be found by passing through fewer nodes
than if there are two children per node.

Depth of a B-tree is smaller as compared to a binary tree
and hence B-tree allows a desired record to be located
faster, assuming all other system parameters are identical.

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