Answer Posted / sandeep garg
ActionServlet acts as a back bone to all the Struts
-->First the request is handled by the either doGet()/doPost
() method of the Action Servlet and it calls the process()
mthod of its own.This method gets the Current Request
Processor associated with the request.
-->Then this request preocessor calls its preocess() method.
(Note:RequestProcessor also one type of Servlet).
This is the actaul place where the request is handled.
-->This method reads the struts-config.xml file and find
outs the Action class by seeing the request url path.
for ex:
incoming request trl path is:/login
<action path="/login" type="Test.LoginClass">
<forward name="Succes" path="/Welcome.jsp"/>
<forward name="failure" path="/Login.jsp"/>
-->After identifying the Actio class it checks the whether
the request is associtaed with any form bean.This can be
checked by usin the name attribute of athe action element
from the struts-config.xml.
<form name="loginForm" type="Test.LoginForm"/>
<action path="/login"type="Test.LoginClass"
-->Then it creates the instance of ActionForm and calls the
corresponding getter and setter methods for the incoming
request parameters.Optionally we can validate the request
parameter by calling the validate()method in ActionForm.For
this we need to specify validate="true" and
input="/Login.jsp" in struts-config.xml file.
-->Now the actual request is handled by the Action class by
calling the execute() method.Output of this method
indicates the response of the request.The return type of
this request is ActionMappings ....
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