any body can explain me door lock test cases,cell phone test
cases, table and chair test cases

Answer Posted / sudhir khond

door lock test cases:
1)check the quality of the door
2)check the quality of metals used in door lock
3)check the size of the door lock
4)check weight of the door lock
5)check the key insertion for the door lock
6)check it is logical door lock with numbers

test cases for cell phone:
1)check the size of the cell phone
2)check the comatability with all service providers
3)check the battary life of cell phone
4)check the key pad of the cell phone
5)check memory expansion of the cell phone ie (storage
6)check the sound clarity
7)check signals coverage.

test case for tables and chairs
1)check the wood to use
2)check the size of the hall
3)check the sitting arrangment of the chair (comfortness)
4)check the fitting quality for tables
5)check the strengths & thickness of the glass.

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