i was adding the two numbers in qtp scripts but i didn't get
the answer. see my below script, i dont know wht is the problem.

i passed the value a=3 b= 2, i got the ans 32 instead of 5.
i thing the problem is to be c = a+b

my mail id karthis4u@gmail.com

Dim a, b, c
a = inputbox("enter the a ")
b = inputbox("enter the b ")
c = a + b
print c

Answer Posted / kavi


prasad's code was right.. but we should pass values for the
function sum
dim a,b,c
function sum(a,b)
msgbox c
end function

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Hi all Can u give me the link where we can download full version of qtp my mail id is karthic.venkitapathi@gmail.com


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Hi Friends, Would be great if you can provide the Model Question paper, Web site link or any reference s. Thanks & Regards, Byzoor,


Hi, I am working on microsoft infopath forms..It is standalone form..(not dotnet or web.) . I am not able to indentify any objects in it.. I am currently using active accessibility in the macro for the same but its execution is too slow.. Kindly help in case you have better solution.


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