what is the difference between debenture and shares

Answer Posted / varsha singh

debenture is fixed return will be given, Share return will
based on market inflation.
shares having voting rights,debenture does not have voting
rights,shares holders are owners of the company,debenture
holders are not owners of the company, shareholders are
entitiled to dividend, debenture holders are entitiled to
debenture is nothing but a acknowledgement of debt.
shares is nothing but a ownership of a company.
Debenture is an acknowledgement of debt. Debenture holder's
does not have the voting rights and the holder is entitle
for the interest income which is a fixed amount. Shares are
only a part of company through which a investor can be a
part owner of the corporate.

SHARES- 1.share holder is the real owner of the
company.share holder have not fixed dividend rate.share
holder have not maturity period.share are not
redeemed.shares are more volatile.share holder have high
risk.share holder have high return.share holder have right
on residial income.share face value is Rs 10/each.
DEBENTURE-1.debenture holder is the creditor of a
company.they have fixed rate of interest.they have a
maturity period.they dont have right to vote.debentures are
redeemed.they are not volatile.they have no risk.they have
low return.debenture face value is Rs-100/each

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