Hi Friends, Please Help me! at the time Interview I feel
very nervous, how to come out from nervous & what are
question I expect for Accounts Executive level Interviews?
Please Give me some suggessions, Thank U.

Answer Posted / sukhendra

Take your command in concept of accounts like effect of
expense booking, knowledge of deffered exp and preliminary
exp and treatment of such expenses, and some common
question like bank reco, tds entry etc

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

what are the seven accounting rules


Why you choose commerce faculty & not science or Why you are in commerce & not in science ?


Short Answer on _____________Intangible Assets


what type of questions are asking for fund administration???


i have interview in KVB on 12-12-08. so Please send me some questions asked in previous interviews contucted by KVB?


why you choose accounting as your career ? ?


who is the pramotar?




DEfine SAP


Hi...At present am doing my second year B.Com.I want to do Chartered accountant.Could you send me the details such as when i can start this course,levels of course,proceudre to start( training and prerequirement if any)?And also do let me know is it possible to start from madurai.Note: I wanted to start by regular classes not by distant education. Thanks in avance.


hi gurus , plz can anybody forward ur cv of accounts/finance related , exp of 4+ years to afreenjuveriya@yahoo.com


which name written in Tan application form Applicant is sole proprieter companies name or individual name?


In Pricing the gallons of petrol sold,service station 'A' follows the first-in-first-out method,while service station'B'follows last-in-first-out method.On 1st January both has the same quantity in stock viz.6,000 gallons at Rs.26 per gallon.During the month,each station recieved additional supplies of 6,000 gallons at Rs.27.50 per gallon.Sales for each of these two stations,during the month,were 8,800 gallons at Rs.29 per gallon. Determine for each service station,profit earned during the month and value of the petrol in stock at close of the month.


are there any sub-types of the 4 main types of bank accounts ?.........if yes what are they?

