After recieved the defect from Tester,developer is not
getting any error while executing that bug then he will
reject that defect due to the above reason.As a Tester what
we can do in that situation?

Answer Posted / satya

Hi there are some chanses that the bug can not produce at
Developer place. These may be due to the wrong steps
followed by the developer as the Tester described or may be
due to the Environment change bw dev and tester or May b
the Developer intentionally makes it CNR or so...

In this case, the Tester need to take the Step by step
Screen shots or atleast the screen shot of the Bug and can
send it to the developer with involving Higher Management
(TL, PM, QM) to prove ur bug is a BUG.

It is sure that u'll prove ur bug still if developer not
intended to fix, you can recomment dev to make the status
of the bug to NIF (No Intension to Fix).

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