Writing Test Cases is Verification or Validation?
Executing Test Cases is Verification or Validation?

Answer Posted / irfan

writing test cases is averification and execute test
casesis avalidation

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1 Crystal Ball 1.1 Purpose This is a simple tool, for entertainment purposes only. 1.2 Scope Only for registered user. 1.3 User Interface Single page with graphic of crystal ball, and text box for typing question. User has to type her question in text box outside ball. Reports: - On ‘submit’, the system needs to access any one of the pre-stored responses at random and display in a graphical, visually appealing manner in the crystal ball. - Audio / graphical changes need to be built in, for added user experience enhancement, like music, sound effects, visual changes. Need to get details.


Roads concatenation Problem Consider we have some GIS (Geo Information System) operating over some road network. Each road represented as array of two-dimensional geographical points. Road network is a set of roads. System has function called Concatenate(). This function takes raw road network and should return optimized road network. Optimization lies in concatenating roads with matching start or end points, i.e. if road AB end point matches road BC start point, then optimized network should contain concatenated road AC. Optimized network shouldn’t contain two roads which can be concatenated. Your task is to suggest set of test cases for Concatenate() function in order to make sure it works correctly. public interface IPoint { double Lat { get; } double Lon { get; } } public Road : List { } public RoadNetwork : List { } public RoadNetwork Concatenate(RoadNetwork roads);


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