Hi all,
For the past 1 year, I have been trying for job in SAP as a
fresher, but no calls,no interviews.I know showing fake
experience is unethical, but i dont have any
alternative.After showing fake experience now iam getting
calls,but still i feel guilty.Friends i have some questions.
1. If suppose i tell the truth in interview that i have
shown fake experience,what would be the interviewer's
reaction? Will accepting the fake go negative against me?
2.Whether i should accept the fake in technical round
itself? (or) Maintain the fake,prove myself strong in
technical round &then accept the fake in HR round?
3.Some of my friends(who have shown fake and well settled
in MNC's ) are telling that during interview u should never
accept as fake i.e., u should act confidently as a real
experienced guy.Even if the interviewer come to know that
u r a fake guy, but seeing ur confidence level ,he/she will
select u ? Is it true?
Friends, particularly interviewer's , HR's please give me
ur valuabe solutions.Other's suggestions are also welcome.

Answer Posted / kaushal

dude on the interview day -to go ahead n reveal ur fib -u
mite be have to be really gutsy and really lucky to get an
interviewer who thinks its cool to have an 'honest' fake
workin for the company.-just coz u were truthful about a
lie doesnt make u a hindi film hero k??..cimpanies want
honest employees obviously..wouldnt u?
instead of all this i say if u do have the confidence and
knowledge to back it up..
my first suggestion-dont fake experience and education
certificates -u never kno what the future holds 4 u -dont
be a shiekh chilli if u kno what i mean..
second-if u r not certified by sap get a certificate..
third-keep studying ur subject and wait-everybody does get
their chance..
be cool
keep it honest
live in peace.

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