Can anyone explain about Keyword driven framework in detail
and how to use it in case of any project

Answer Posted / winay

Key word driven framework:
• Create the folder structure as follows:

Project(create one folder in that create some sub-folders
1.Lib (.vbs files)
2.Rep (.tsr files)
3.Rec (.qrs files)
4.Log (Results files)
5.Tes Data (.xls and .txt files)
6.Test Script (QTP scripts)
7.Env (.xml and .ini files)

• Crate the required test data file and save them in
the corresponding folders
• Create the required shared repository files and
save them in the corresponding folder
• Create the required library files and save them in
the corresponding folder
• Create the required environment files and save them
in the corresponding folder
• Create the required recovery files and save them in
the corresponding folder
• Open the main test and associate all the required
files to each
• Develop the script in such a weather it executes
based on the key words specified in the data table

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