what is acidosis and alkalosis in terms of PH?

Answer Posted / akash

In bicarbonate buffer system [HCO3-]/[H2CO3] ratio of 20:1
is required for the ph of blood plasma to remain 7.4.
if there is any change in the ratio in favour of H2CO3
acidosis results.

this change can result from a decreasein HCO3 ion or from
an increase in H2CO3.

most common forms of acidosis are metabolic or respiratory.

Alkalosis occurs when hco3 ion becomes favoured in the
bicarbonate or carbonic acid ratio.

metabolic alkalosis occurs when HCO3 ion increases.

respiratory alkalosis occurs is inducedby hyperventilation
because an excess removal of co2 from the blood results in
a decrease in H2CO3.

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