write test cases on "Login Window" ?

Answer Posted / ravi

Scenario: 1
Testcase description: Open the Login window and check
whether system fires any error at the time of login
Expected Result: System should not fire any error and the
login screen should get opened successfully

Scenario 2:
Testcase description: Under username entry, check whether
system validates any key, by entering some invalid
combination and check whether system fires any alert message
Expected Result: If validation is presented, system needs
to fire the appropriate alert message. Say for example,
ther user name should be in X format, etc.

Scenario 3:
Testcase description: Try to enter the password incorrectly
and check whether system allows to enter into the next
screen or not
Expected Result: System should fire an error message state
that" Invalid password entered" and should not allow to
enter into the next screen

Scenario 4:
Testcase description: Enter the correct password and click
the ok button
Expected Result: If the password get matched with the
defined one, system should not fire any error message and
next screen should get opened.

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