Expain about V model?

Answer Posted / balaji naidu. y

In this model u have checked the verfication and
validation. In the left side phase we can called as
verfication and the right side phase we can called as
validation. The left side phase consists of

1. BRS(Buisiness Requirement specification).
2. SRC(System Requirement Specification).
3. HLD(High Level Designing).
4. LLD(Low Level Designing).

once if all the stages are completed then a build is formed
nothing but before going to construct a building a building
plan is compulsory like that before going to test we must

in the build process also called verification in this
process SQA (senior quality assurance) will involves to
make sure that the each and every process is going correct
or not.

in the center we have source code this must be developed by

on the right side we have the following things.

1. UAT (User Acceptancy Testing)
2. FT (Functionality Teting)
3. IT (Integration Testing)
4. MT (Module Testing).

during the build process testing team going to prepare test

UATCD (User Acceptancy Test Case Design)
STCD (System Test Case Design)
ITCD (Integration Test Case Design)
MTCD (Module Test Case Design).

once these test cases are prepared then the testing
involving the testing like once the plan is ready we are
going to construct the building like that once the test
case design is over then it will be sent to testing team to
test occordingly if they found any "bugs" (nothing but
errors) immediately report to developers (programmers) test
engineer only fix the bugs but developers rectify that bugs
again this will sent to the testing team and the process is
going on to all the modules.

This model is only follows MNC's because this model needs a
lot of man power

advantage of this model is

1. High Quality (due to Verification and Validation).
2. Within time delivery.
3. Reduce the cost of project.

Thank you guys

This is
Balaji Naidu. Y
Test Engineer

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