We need to verify the user name & password in for the user
validation. But we don't want to use the parameterization/
loop for user name and password. What is the way in
scripting so that user & password will generate automatically.

Answer Posted / aparna

You can generate username and password using random number
within a range ..convert the generated random numbers to
string using chr.

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This is Karthic and my mail id is karthic.venkitapathi@gmail.com, please give me an idea to crack qtp 10


How to read a text file from QC using QTP. I would like to do something like this. But instead read a file from QC and NOT from my local drive. Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set InputFile = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\test.txt", ForReading) Thanks


How can we retrieve the Bug Ids which are open&Reopen in status through QTP scrit?Please find the script which i tried... Dim objBugFactory, objBug Dim BugId Set TDConnection = QCUtil.TDConnection Set objBug = TDConnection.BugFactory If QCUtil.IsConnected then Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Connected", "Connected to server: " + QCUtil.TDConnection.ServerName + chr (13) +"Project: " + QCUtil.TDConnection.ProjectName + chr (13) + "Domain: " + QCUtil.TDConnection.DomainName Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Current time on server is","==>" & TDConnection.ServerTime Else Reporter.ReportEvent 1, "Not connected", "Not connected to Quality Center" End If If mybug.Status="Open" Then BugId=mybug.DefectId MsgBox BugId End If 'OR**********************************--------------------- -----********************************** If Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").Value ="Open" Or "Re Open"Then BugId=Bug_Fields("BG_BUG_ID").Value MsgBox BugId End If


any body plz send health care domain project to me with explanation any two modules on that project. mail_id: ranjith_99reddy@yahoo.co.in


What is the use of defining a newobject in the object repository "Define New TestOject". How to use this further. If we define new testobject, how can it recognizes the objects properties of any application.


hi all here i have tab named "Workbench" By clicking on "workbench" tab.it displays 4 tabs like below workbench common cargo commercial charter "common" tab have 10tabs inside,"cargo" tab also haveing 15 tabs inside and remaining two tabs also having few tabs inside. when clicked on "common" tab.it displaying the script like tab("workbench").select"common" if i clicked on "cargo".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_2").select"cargo" if i clicked on "commercial".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_3").select"commercial" if i clicked on "charter".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_4").select"charter" I have used a "FOR LOOP" for common,commercial,cargo,charter tabs.it was stopped at second tab SO, CAN I RECOGNIZE "WORKBENCH_2,_3,_4" AS A SINGLE VARIABLE if not, can anyone plese help me to solve this