I'm from the hotwel industry and has worked with le-
meridien hotels. Can somebody tell, what will be the AS-IS
in the hotel industry. Normally le-meridien has lot of
properties all across the globe..ie manu no's of
hotels...suppose we consider that there are 30 hotels in
India...with headquarter in Mumbai( Sales
Organisation)...and has a distribution chnl- direct sales
and Division- Food n Bev, rooms and Services. Company-
leMeridien, Com Code-Lemeridien Hotes. Customers comes in
the hotel and stay in the hotel to have food, drink and
avail services.It's doesn't have plant. Have various vendor
to get the food material from in order to provide the food
and services.Then what will be the AS-IS in this
scenario?.Can somebody help me with this answer?

Answer Posted / shivakumar

As Is means configuring the existing business process of
le-meridain in sap and in the course if implementing finds
the gap in which client business processs will not suit
then with the help of abapers,client business will be
confiured in the sap.

Hotel business comes under service, so there is specific
packge is designed by sap(IS-industry specific).IS-Hotel

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