Can you give me the code to calculate the total number of
Links using the child object in the web page..? is there
any other way to calculate number of links with out using
the Child objects.??

Answer Posted / uday kumar_anem

Set fileSysObject=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set linkDescObj=description.Create
Set noOfLinks=browser("Browser").Page("Yahoo!

For i=0 to noOfLinks.count-1
Set fileSysObject=nothing

Here i am retrieving all the links in Yahoo home page and
writing the link names in a text files.

If you wish to verify the number of links a web page, you
can use "Standard Checkpoint".
Click on Record button ->Insert Menu -> Check point
->Standard Checkpoint -> Click on any place in the page and
select the page in the Hirarchy and observe the number of
links property/value. If the total number of links are
increased or decreased, then it will show the differences.

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