How many tables r created during the recording in QTP?

Answer Posted / sreedhar

we can create the 255 tables( local) and along with one
global sheet

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Hi Guys, I want to place all of my values which i am getting it from a loop in to a global shee. For that i had written the script like this For i = 1 to ECOs-1 ECO = List(i).GetROProperty("innertext") DataTable.AddSheet("ECOList") DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").AddParameter "ECOList",ECO AbortECO = DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").GetParameter ("ECOList").Value msgbox AbortECO DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").SetNextRow Using the above script, whenever the loop iterates it is creating new column "ECOLIST" in the sheet called "ECOLIST". It means, the values are displaying in the column wise even though i added the script " DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").SetNextRow" . The cursor is not moving to the next line. Anybody help me out how to pass the values from script to the excel(Global/Local) sheet. Pls let me know @ if you are not clear about the question.


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