What is Object Oriented programming.what is the difference
between C++ and C?

Answer Posted / sourav

c is a procedural oriented lang & c++ is a oop lang
c can store upto 32 char where as c++ can store 0 to255 char
in c we won't have inheritance ,polymorphism,data hiding &
data abstraction concepts
object oriented prog. introduces the concept of object &
class.In object oriented lang. data member can be made
public, private, & protected. eg:- c++,java, etc.
c++ is advanced form of c. In one
hand c is procedure laugauge where as on other side c is
object oriented. we have some additional keywords in c than
c++.ex:-new etc.c++ also allows 256 char to store.object
oriented programming (oop eg c++)is based on
object;whereas procedure oriented programming <pop eg c) is
a structured programming.pop concentrates more on functions
where as in oop more attention is given to the data rather
than functions.oop deals with realworld problems where as
pop doesnot model the realworld problems.

and in my opinion also , 4th one is the best answer.

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