what is the Need of zorder method?

Answer Posted / pankajbisane

Three graphical layers are associated with forms and
containers. The back layer is the drawing space where the
results of the graphics methods are displayed. Next is the
middle layer where graphical objects and Label controls are
displayed. The front layer is where all nongraphical
controls like Command Button, CheckBox, or ListBox are
displayed. Anything contained in a layer closer to the front
covers anything contained in the layer(s) behind it. ZOrder
arranges objects only within the layer where the object is

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by writing MACRO CODE,i want to retrive data from one spead sheet to another UI (workbook). control will search cell by cell for each row and load the data in another workbook(UI). ex: custdetails custname lastname locaton mobile pincode custdetails raj tony hyd 555555 521245 servcreqrd srvce# srvcename location srvcepincode servcreqrd 754 drilling hyd 521784 for the above example in the another workbook retrive data like this custname Raj srvce# 754 srvcepincode 521784. while retrieving data control will search cell by cell for each row.