After successful login,If I have to check whether the name
of the screen,other contents are proper or not this is
called GUI testing.But if I am writing the test for
functionality.then may I have to add this [Screen
name,other contents]to expected result in my Functional
testing or I have to write the other test case document for
GUI testing?Thanks in Advance

Answer Posted / smit

You have to prepare other test case document for GUI Testing

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hai friends i need a general test cases for check box,drop down button and radio butoon can anybody reply me plz..........thanks in advance


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in an online banking software,users are connecting to bankserver by login.This login module can take below inputs for user. a/c number prefix-3 digits but doesnot start with 0&1 a/c number sufix-6 digits number password-5to 10 chars alphanumerics in lowercase areacode-3 digits number but optional purpose- cheque deposit money trasfer mini statement bills pay After filling above fields,user can click submit button to connect to bank server.prepare test scenarios for online banking s/w login.


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Hi there Does anybody can respond to my Questions? Is some one there to answer my Questions posted in Software testing category.pls E-mail to


Please explain me v-model clearly i want to know how it works and want to know how it use in real time on a project please tell me its urgent and important for me understand .Please tell me my mail id is Thank u


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