Hi I have created a table in the MS access database. I want
to access the table in this database through QTP. The code
is given below. The code is not working.The following error
is displayed "Data source name not found and no default
driver specified". Any one can correct the code. Thanks in
Dim dbconnection, rs
Dim ca, sname
Set dbconnection = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
dbconnection.open "DSN = MS Access Database","", ""
rs.open "select * from Research", dbconnection
If rs.EOF <> True AND rs.BOF<> True then

ca = rs("order_number")
sname = rs("customer_number")
msgbox ca
msgbox sname
End If

Answer Posted / lakshmi


you should to give proper DSN(datasouce name) and its path
of the MS-Access i.e like for Eg:'D:\mydatabase\list.mdb"

I think you understood my point

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